We spent a few days in Vegas, communing with aliens. . . . here’s a lousy photo of the Sphere from the 27th floor of the Venetian Tower.
Category: aliens in our midst
Spent the weekend in Boulder. . . visiting with old friends and aliens.
Boston is the HQ of Christian Science. . . builders of reading rooms. . . and rocket launchers?
Wired up and ready to talk to aliens.
One-toothed cliff dwelling in the Canyon of the Ancients. . .
What is the group name for observatories? A cluster? A troop? A village?
General Ackbar and Nien Nunb planning their assault on Escalante National Monument. . .
Amazing pictographs found on fake rocks. Proof that the Anasazi were time traveling aliens who occasionally doodled on broken down theme park rides. Also, if you look closer, a barely-visible message from a former civilization. Storyteller Theater?
The Southwest still has many mysteries to solve.
In the old city of Matera, somebody has spelled out ECO using stones on their roof…