Outside. . .
btw. . . this photo reminded me of a funny email that I recently received from Outside.
the dreaded red X at Ria Formosa Natural Park. . .
Signage at Walden Pond . . Ample opportunity for civil disobedience.
trail marker inside sky harbor airport . . .
All I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by . . . instead I’m trapped in a climate-controlled hotel lobby with a cabana and cheap rum just out of reach. Arrgh!
The peaks from wing mountain road. . . a light spirit landed on the ground as I was taking this photo.
monstrous tree that got taken out by the museum fire. . .
Constant traffic overhead due to the Museum Fire.
We came home after a bike ride to find a forest fire (the Museum Fire) burning less than a mile from our house. We spent a few nights watching the flames from our porch. Then we got evacuated. Luckily the prevailing winds blew away from our house, the firefighters ambushed the thing, and the monsoon was on its way.
My photos sucked, of course. I fumbled a shot of a DC-10 flying low over our house, streaming red fire retardant. I just stared at the beast with my mouth open, missing my chance at being a famous frontline photographer. Dude!