Mark S Bailen has an MFA from the University of Arizona, attended Taos Toolbox, and participated in the Storied Imaginarium. Currently he’s enrolled in Northern Arizona University’s Environmental Narrative Certificate program. He’s a member of Codex and the SFWA. He’s published in Fantasy, Nature, and Little Blue Marble. He also wrote and illustrated an award winning children’s book titled, Earf.
“Hell-Bound Hold Up” – short story in Orpheus + Eurydice Unbound paperback
“Seeing Stars” – short story in Dread Space 2 paperback ebook
“Rising Cove” – short story in The Science Fiction Tarot paperback
“Teleportitus” – short story at Daily Science Fiction pdf
“A Neutron Bomb for Algernon” – short story at Andromeda Spaceways Magazine magazine
“Out, Out, Brief Planet” – short story at Nature online pdf
“The Taming of the Proto Shrew” – short story at Nature online pdf
“Such Devices as Dreams are Made on” – short story at Nature online pdf
“Bears Discover Time Travel” – short story at Ecotone online
“Urgent Care” – short story at Little Blue Marble free online paperback
“Zeus and the Electrician” – short story at Solarpunk Magazine magazine pdf
“Arbor Day Dreams” – essay in High Plains Literary Review Vol. 16.1 journal
“An Understudy in Scarlet” – short story in Mystery Magazine magazine
“Midnight at the Sunrise Hotel” – short story in The Cafe Irreal free online
“The Never-Ending Merry-Go-Round” – prosy thing at the Ekphrastic Review free online
“Wild Turkeys” – short story in 36 Views of O paperback
“And then I Saw Her in the Bookstore and Felt My Space” – short story in Sonora Review #44 journal
“Another Godzilla” – short story in Cimarron Review #131 journal
“Lost Portals” – short story at Fantasy free online
Earf – illustrated children’s book, Splendid Benedict Publishing paperback
“Rock, Paper, Scissors” – drabble at The Martian free online
“Out of Range” – drabble at The Martian free online
“The Uplift Candidate” – short story at Space Squid (scroll down) free online
“The Rapid Test” – drabble at The Martian free online
I help run an online writing group called Lorem Ipsum. If interested in a Northern Arizona in-person speculative writing group, please email my first name at this domain.